
Not that cheap ass store.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Tip of the Hat

Oh Ben & Jerry's, you never cease to amaze me with your witty, tasty, and artery clogging flavors. Eat this America!

Weekend from Hell

Yes I saw Ghost Rider Friday, but unfortunately Nick Cage was not the only reason why this weekend totally ate ass.

By now you've all seen pictures of little Boh Sox, our Boston puppy, well two weeks ago he had eye surgery for cherry eye. I'll save you some Googling time. Cherry eye is a genetic defect in dogs that have protruding eyes like Boston's, Bulldogs, and Pugs. The eye membrane isn't strong enough and can rupture leading to the tear duct gland to kinda pop through and invade they eye like the blob, thus covering the eye and possibly causing severe eye damage. We caught it in time and poor Boh had surgery to correct the problem. For those keeping score, this is his second cherry eye operation, he had his first on his other eye before we received him.

Anyway, yeah, Boh's eye now seems to be infected. Some stitches are still present and his eye is very irritated and is releasing a greenish discharge. Yum! The poor little guy just looks at you like, hey big guy, scratch this eye thing for me. Well today he's going to the vet again and our dog is going to hate us. Boo.

Also this weekend, Jax was in a car accident. She's okay, just sore and without a car. The whole driver side quarter panel is laying on route 73 right now probably. Damn New Jersey drivers! We're just waiting for the insurance people to come out and give us the damage. Double boo.

I'm working on my "boo trifecta," that is my review of Ghost Rider, so I'll post that when I wipe the Nicholas Cage induced vomit off my clothes.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Picture Pages

Thanks to everyone who welcomed me back and left kind words of encouragement...Now let's get down to brass tacks...

Texas Biscuit asked for pictures of the Boh Sox puppy so here they are...

I have more pictures of him to upload, however the little guy is eating his food out of my shoe, a very bad habit I must correct. Now on to the Chinchilla, Chico...

And perhaps the coolest picture ever, showing Chico's diabolical side...

Oh and the Bud, how could I forget the Bud? Especially since he just vomited on the bed...Booooo...

And last but not least, Sammy the snake, who scared the living jeebus out of me this past summer when trying to go for a nice canoe ride. I friggin hate snakes, they whig me out man.

Okay seriously this is the last one, the ACW didn't believe I lived on a lake. He thought lake equals a pond or mud puddle, however after he nerded it up by looking at my address on Google Earth he realized it was a real "full blown" lake and that the mud puddle was actually next to my car...STALKER!!!

That's enough pictures for today, I'll be uploading many more as the weeks go by.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Grand Re-opening

Hey everybody, I'm back. Please don't all show your jubilation at once, save a little for later. I can't believe it's been almost two years since I last blogged, talk about a little time off. So you're all probably wondering what I've been doing since the last time I blogged. The answer, still the same thing, just in a different state. I left the friendly confines of Baltimore and Towson for my home state of New Jersey. From old bay, crabs, std's, and crime to well...trash, pollution, Camden, and the Pine Barrens, but it's home.

Okay, so I lied, a lot of things have changed since I moved back to the Dirty Jerz. My girlfriend, Jax, and I, in an attempt to save up money for a house, live in an apartment that we converted from her parents garage. We like to call it "the apage." Our front yard is a huge lake which was great in the summer time, but now, not so much. It's spacious enough for us our two dogs, Chinchilla, and 14 gallon fish tank. Did I mention that Jax is Dr. Doolittle? Well not quite, but she's the manager of a pet store and likes any movie/tv show which includes talking animals.

I've always wanted a dog and now I have two. When we moved in, we inherited a 10 year old miniature schnauzer named Bud, very cool dog. Next we adopted a female Chinchilla, we named her Chica, well that is until we figured out that Chica was actually Chico. They told us it was a girl, I swear. Somewhere in there we got a fish tank and many fishes. Then quite recently we received a Boston Terrier Pup who was rejected by the vet at Jax's pet shop. Rejected = free puppy for us! I named him Boh Sox for Natty Boh Beer and the Boston Red Sox. In the words of Forrest Gump, "It's a house-hold name." Poor little guy has had surgery on each of his eyes already and he's only 13 weeks old, but he's recovering well and urinating and pooping all over the place.

I know that's only a little of what's been going on in the wonderful world of Kmart, but there will be more later, as well as more updates to the blog itself.