Not that cheap ass store.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Picture Pages

Thanks to everyone who welcomed me back and left kind words of encouragement...Now let's get down to brass tacks...

Texas Biscuit asked for pictures of the Boh Sox puppy so here they are...

I have more pictures of him to upload, however the little guy is eating his food out of my shoe, a very bad habit I must correct. Now on to the Chinchilla, Chico...

And perhaps the coolest picture ever, showing Chico's diabolical side...

Oh and the Bud, how could I forget the Bud? Especially since he just vomited on the bed...Booooo...

And last but not least, Sammy the snake, who scared the living jeebus out of me this past summer when trying to go for a nice canoe ride. I friggin hate snakes, they whig me out man.

Okay seriously this is the last one, the ACW didn't believe I lived on a lake. He thought lake equals a pond or mud puddle, however after he nerded it up by looking at my address on Google Earth he realized it was a real "full blown" lake and that the mud puddle was actually next to my car...STALKER!!!

That's enough pictures for today, I'll be uploading many more as the weeks go by.


Malnurtured Snay said...

Dude, you've got a motherfucking snake in your motherfucking canoe.

acw said...

Ha ha ha! Lookit that wall-eyed freak of a dog! Mrs. ACW would love him.

Also, chinchillas are social animals. You should get another one.

Kmart said...

You makin' fun of my dog?!

We socialize the chinchilla alright. We place him in his exercise ball and let the two terriers (ratters) chase him around and "play."

We're waiting to get another, we just need a bigger cage.

Kmart said...

Haha...Snakes in a Canoe...sign Samuel L up.

FreedomGirl said...

Cute animal pics...especially the spying chinchilla. Glad you're back.

Anonymous said...

Wait... the ACW has your address, and I don't? Wrong, wrong, wrong!

Anonymous said...

I guess my last comment would make more sense if I added my name...


Lauren said...

Yea - pics!! Your chinchilla looks almost as big as your precious puppy. Awesome misty lake view from your house - just about the perfect creepy backdrop for a horror movie me thinks!

NPR Junky said...

Oh, he's the cutest Boston EVER!! Yay for Boh Sox! Good luck with him, buddy....Boston's are quite a handful. My sister has two of 'em.

Kmart said...

Lil meggi - yeah it does help when you leave your name, don't want no stalkers.

Texas Biscuit - yeah our Chin needs to go on a little diet, he's huge! I also like the idea about a horror movie on the'll need some zombies so I must enlist the help of the ACW for that one.

NPR Junky - He is a cute Boston I must agree and so far he's been very lively and playful as well as a quite the smart puppy.

Anonymous said...

Actually, your pet is the mascot of my alma mater, Boston University. Go Terriers!